Saturday, November 28, 2009


You know how they always say that Seinfeld was a show about nothing, which is actually a bang on description...well today's post/column/rant is also about nothing. I'm gonna ramble on here about whatever comes to my mind. Basically, it's been a while since my last I figured it was about time. are ya? Nice to see ya again! Did ya bring the J.D.(eeeeeeeek...too early even for me)?

Gotta start off with the big, real-deal art event, TOUCHED BY FIRE, that went down this last Thursday night. Great venue...I mean shit...the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)??? Whooda thunk it???...This is only our (I'm on the TBF committee) third year, and man, has it grown fast. The first 2 years was on the second floor of the legendary Gladstone Hotel, and it was an amazing spot, everyone there was really good to us...but man, we must have broken some fire regulation codes...I mean it was so packed that it would take you half the evening, trying to get across the room to the bar (and you can imagine the pure, unadulterated Hell that must have been for yours truly), a new, much larger spot was needed, badly...thus the ROM!!!
Again, packed to the rafters, great art, great people, great beer!!! A huge success in every way....butttttttt...if I may...when I had time to think the next morning, sufferin' from a wee hangover, and a ton o' exhaustion...I kinda missed the Gladstone...this spot is so big that it was a little impersonal. Like I said, we had no choice...but, hey...I have this space so that I can voice my opinion...which reminds me...I'm gonna raise hell about the prices of the wine and beer...c' was a fucking art opening...probably some stupid governmental rule...but c'mon!!!!!! I IS IRKED!!! Still, it was really all about the art and the artists that night...their time to shine...I had one (ONE???) piece in the show, "Consider The Bee" (that's it up there at the top of this 'ere article), and yes it was priced higher than most, but...I did not care, or expect to sell anything that night. It just so happens that it's my favourite piece, and the judges so happened to pick it...want it to be my best work, if I'm gonna be showing at the ROM (well...ya know). So a big CONGRATS to the Touched By Fire folks, the volunteers, and especially the arteests!!!

What next???? fuckin' much happening in this suddenly blessed life, and right now, because my brain is still fried, I can't seem to think ...shit, no Diet Pepsi in the fridge...not a huge fan of coffee, already had a green tea...thus no fucking caffeine (waiting for the variety store across the street to open...let me take a look outside for a sec...excuse me for a second.......SHIT! Still closed...I got up very early)!!!

Actually once I have my nectar of the Gods (the morning Gods anyway), I'm going to make my way downstairs to my studio and work all day on the next painting for my next (real) show/exhibition...The Much anticipated ( me anyway) "THE SODOM AND GOMORRAH VARIETY SHOW" at the aforementioned Gladstone Hotel...I try to have one big show there a year. I have about 5 paintings done for it need around 10 to 12 more, so I postponed what was to be a mid-February opening and changed it to late April...Opening on Saturday April 24 to be exact. I found myself so...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING BUSY with so many other projects (and yes I admit, too many hangovers), that I knew if I was gonna make that February 13 deadline, I would have to rush these new paintings like crazy, thus putting up a sub-par show...never done it...never will...So I said fuck this, called up the lovely and talented (and Gladstone owner) Christina Zeidler, explained why I needed more time....and WHALA (is there even a correct spelling for this word....oooooops...almost broke my own first rule for this blog....don't give a shit if something is spelled wrong!)!!!!

Next...Oh wait it's exactly 8:50 am...the stupid store has to be open....NEED my Diet Pepsi fix (better get a 4 pack of Red Bull while I'm at it)...gimme a sec........YES!!!!! I can see the red neon "OPEN" sign from my balcony...So...throw on my old sneakers, my leather jacket...and run, don't walk...smack a vein...and go buy a large bottle of the good stuff....and, then...crank the music and PAINT!!!! Today's album of the day: URGE OVERKILL: SATURATION... So, I guess this is where we part my love...don't forget to meet me at the top of the Empire State building on New Years eve!!!!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


OH UMA!!! I remember when the brilliant film Dangerous Liaisons was first released in 1988 , I was very interested in going out and seeing it. Great story...Lust, Seduction, Revenge (what's not to like)! Great cast...John Malkovich, Glenn Close and the yummy Michelle Pfeiffer! Great director...Stephen Frears! Plus I had read a rave review of the film in Movie Line magazine, that also mentioned a certain young actress named Uma Thurman, and a great scene in which this up and comer's breasts are revealed. The critic noted that the whole audience let out a gasp during the screening because of the wondrous orbs that this Uma possessed. I ran, not walked to the theatre!!!

So, last night on FakeBook, because, as usual I couldn't sleep...I did one of their supremely stupid polls. This one with the mega-cerebral title of something like: "5 HOT PEOPLE" I put down five names, not including the "Too Hot Already...Stop It!" Megan Fox (but God...she is SO Fucking Hot!!!!!)! I listed Grace Kelly (maybe the most beautiful woman who ever lived), Selma Hayek ( I just want to see her and Penelope Cruz do it...I'll pay anything you ask Selma!), Rita Hayworth ('nuff said), Kate Beckinsale (who just may be replacing Megan as the hottest babe in the world at this moment)...and UMA!

Sooooo...along comes my good friend, fellow film lover, and a great filmmaker in his own right (ya see what I'm doing, right? I want a love scene with one of his hot actresses in his next film), JaiDixit. He comments on how much he agrees with my Hot list...but poo-poos Uma. Now, I figure it out right away...the man hates Tarantino films! Now, personally I can't stand Tarantino as a human being...we had a run in a while ago in a restaurant...Biggest Asshole Ever...but that's another blog, but I sure do luvs his movies (most of them anyway) fact Inglorious Bastards is still my favourite film this year. But, back to that would explain why he's dissing the gorgeous Ms. Thurman! Fine!

NOT FINE! So, because I have to ALWAYS be right (as a lot of you already know)...I wrote Mr. Dixit a rebuttal in today's FakeBook status report. It goes as follows........ "ahem-hem...Mr.Jai Dixit, UMA THURMON NOT HOT!!!??? Jai, put away your Star Trek Mega-Fab Box-Set DVD for a moment, put on the brilliant Dangerous Liaisons. The scene in which John Malkovich seduces the virgin Uma(GULP)...he tears open her blouse to reveal THE BEST BREASTS to ever appear on the silver screen!!! The whole audience in the theatre GASPED all at the same time. I've never heard anything like it! UMA IS HOT!!!"......SO THERE...Poooooey on you. And it's true, it happened in my audience as it did at the Movie Line critics screening...everyone gasped at the splendor that is Uma Thurman's great, bodacious Ta-Ta's!!!!!

That Jai, is why Uma is in MY Top 5 Hotties!!!! Anyone that is asked to portray Venus, as she did in the great Terry Gilliam's film, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen has to be HOT!!!

Jai, please don't take this're a great guy, I like drinking pints with you, I loved your last film, It Happens Incredibly Fast (I hope I got that right! I'm not just trying to score brownie points here, it really is good), you own one of the best paintings I've ever done, and most owe me a wad of cash, but c'mon...ALL I AM SAYING IS GIVE UMA'S BREASTS A CHANCE!!!...everybody now...SING!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

The DAMMIT! Interview: Up Close and Lovin' It !

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
Didja miss me????

Today a treat (so don't say I never give ya anything!)...Instead of given' ya a boring, ol' fashioned Bio of sorts...I thought you creative types reading this fine, fine literature would enjoy an interview I just did with the Mighty JLG365.COM...a great site that much like yours truly knows that the only important culture is PoP Culture!!! Read it here...then head on over to the REAL thing, 'cus it will actually look good, thus, making me seem much more articulate than I really am. So...Enuff self-deprecation....Ladies & Gentleman I give ya the Joey DAMMIT! Interview!!!


Let's take a ride back in time. Tell me about your childhood. Where were you born?

Well, on my first bio that I used to send out to the media, I was born in
the jungles of deepest darkest Africa, and raised by a family of
chimps...until I was adopted by The DAMMIT!'s, a family who had made their
vast fortune in the sex-toy industry. reality, I was born in
Madeira, Portugal (island in the Atlantic, actually closer to Casablanca
than Portugal...and that just sounds much more romantic anyway), and
immigrated to the lovely metropolis of Toronto when I was 4 years old. Not a
weird childhood or anything....well...I really was an altar boy, was very
much into the Catholic religion and it's theatrics, and had every intension
of going into the priesthood....then came a lil' something called puberty.Oh

At what age did you become interested in the arts? Why?

I get asked that a lot and the answer is...I was born an artist, and I'd be
really surprised if most "artists" don't feel the same way. I mean I was
drawing from the word go. My mom says the first thing she noticed of mine
and thought, "hey, the little fucker just may have a talent after all", was
a drawing of Samson knocking down the pillars, that I had drawn on the
inside of my Sunday school text book. Then it was superheroes, sports stars,
KISS...nude girls, and so on up the food chain. Why? I honestly don't think
I ever had a choice really. I think it has all to do with being in the
spotlight and creating. I mean think about it...altar boy, to rock singer,
to "fine" (I hate that term) artist. I was always on stage in one form or another.

When did you know that being an artist was your "true calling"?

In the middle of the night, in bed, in a manic episode, while drinking my
third large bottle of Diet Coke and writing at super speed in my journal. It
was the summer of 1993. I mean I had always known I was a good drawer, had
already made a bit o' a name as a cartoonist around town and all, but Joey
DAMMIT! was certainly born that night. The name, the Manic Montage style,
the self-promo...all that night in bed!

Who were some of your early influences?
As far as artists went , in the beginning it was comic book artists,
especially Bill Sienkiwicz and Frank Frazetta and his larger than life Conan
(and more) paintings. Then I found myself not only being influenced by
Robert Rauschenberg, Warhol and Basquiat...but even more by the genius of
Dave McKean and his graphic novel covers, Nick Bantock and his art in the
Griffin & Sabine trilogy... MOVIES!!! Like the manic-film stocks of Natural
Born Killers, and the opening credits and mood of David Fincher's
SE7EN. Brilliant!

Tell me about your artistic style ("Manic Montage"). How long does it take
you to create a single piece of work? Do you ever work on more than one
thing at a time?

The Manic Montage, as I mentioned earlier came from a very long manic
episode...seemed to fit my mood, and the mad, frenzied look of what I was
creating. Where in the beginning I could do a piece in a day or two, now it
can take a week to two or three weeks...a lot depends on my mood, how much
time I have to work, the size of the piece, etc. And, yeah...most of the
time I'm working on two separate pieces at the same time....I'll work on a
canvas until I can't go any further because the paint, or the glues have to
dry. I'll put that one aside, and continue where I had left off on the other
one. I once had this deadline to meet, and worked on four at the same wanna talk manic!

It is obvious pop culture, especially music, is prevalent in a lot of your
pieces. What is your favorite type of music as well as your favorite

Yes, very influenced by music, but influenced by film I'd say just as much.
My musical tastes run the gamut in the same way my art is ... mixed
genres/ mixed media. I'm one of those people that get bored very, very I have
these mixed tapes (actually CDs now) that I make, called "RadioDAMMIT!" (I'm up to vol.#42...and have even sold a few to people and clubs), and
it's like sitting in a car, constantly changing the can start
with Nine Inch Nails, next Tony Bennett, next Waylon Jennings, next the
Pistols and 15 songs later it ends with the theme song from Shaft or Twin
Peaks. I do have to admit I am very much a gigantic fan of Trent Reznor....notice
what he did with the Natural Born Killers soundtrack...Dylan, Patsy Cline,
NIN and Leonard Cohen back to back...that's what got me started on doing my
mixed CDs I guess. Also love the eclectic sounds of Jane's Addiction. So, it
was a helluva treat to see Jane's and NIN playing together this last summer.

Although I love all your pieces, there are a few from your galleries in
particular that I am dying for the "inside scoop" on. Will you kindly take
me and my readers through what went on in your mind when you created these

"JAYNE MANSFIELD: HEAD" (My personal fave)

HEAD was actually a life changer literally....I had not painted or even
doodled in over a year and a half. I was going through a very long, horrible bout of depression, and
I had even told my shrink that I was done as an artist. Then an artist
friend of mine, Nancy, phoned me up and asked if I'd be interested in doing a group
show; the theme being cars, in one way or another. I actually sighed and
groaned out loud when she asked. I had absolutely no interest in doing art,
never mind about automobiles, something I have no interest in... and told
her so. So she snaps at me and says, "DAMMIT JOEY!!!'s right up your
ally!!!!"..."In what fucking way?", I asked..."Look ...Jayne Mansfield, how'd she die
Joey???"...I said ..."decapitated in a car accident!"....SHIT! I put down
the phone, grabbed the book Hollywood Babylon, and right there, as I
had imagined, was a 2 page black n' white shot of the gruesome accident scene! I
sketched the full painting in 5 minutes, with the word "HEAD" repeated over
and over behind her...I mean the sexual connotation and all made it that
much was done in a week...and I swear I have never gone longer
than a week, since that night, with out working on a painting!!! GOD! Ask a
single, easy question, and I give ya a novel. Sorry...that shan't happen


It was for a Halloween/birthday show (yes, I was born on October 31st.
kids)...and I'm a big fan of Smith and the Cure....and I wanted to create
"CREEPY"....perfect subject the color's and mood of that


Because I am so fascinated with so many people I've met. I
think it's that they're suppose to be funny, but I see them as scary and
creepy (there's that word again)...I mean, hello...JOHN WAYNE
GACY!!!...'nuff said!


Simple...I love Betty (or Bettie, whichever you prefer, I've seen it spelled both ways), and it gave me a
chance to play around with some 3-d work....I love doing stuff in tangerine


OH! Did I ever get in trouble with the Christian Right over that piece!!! A
small group of them actually picketed the exhibition that painting first
appeared in. I was in full anti-Christian mode at that period of my life,
and I loved the idea and title...based on when we were young boys reading
superhero know, "Who would win in a fight if The Hulk fought
The Thing???"...that's all it was. The best part, and I swear this is a true
story, I had a group of friends around me as witnesses...One of these
bible thumpers asked me, "OK...who WOULD win???"...and with out a seconds
hesitation, I mean, it just came into my head just like that...I answered,
"neither...they're both fictional characters." Guess there may be a God
after all and he hates these idiots as much as I do.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
Don't even have to think about that one. Beating horrible, horrible 18 years of Depression, and just turn around
and do the best work of my career, and see that career take off by leaps and
bounds all in a little more than a year. Believe me...nothing else even
comes close!

What advice would you give to the struggling artist?

Don't for one second think that being a starving artist is in any way
romantic or cool. Might have been in Paris in the 20's...but now...DO NOT BE
is no shame in that, and if someone tells you otherwise, laugh in their
face, and lend them a few coins.

Are all your pieces for sale? Do you do commissioned work? If so, how can
my readers contact you?
All my pieces are for sale. A lot on my web site are sold, so look for the red sold star. I've been very lucky, I do a ton o' fact right now I'm freakin' out 'cus I can't keep up...but
I love doing them. You can contact me by going to said ...take a look around then hit the contact link,
and send me an e-mail. And, we're putting up ALL of my my 2009 work and
commissions before the end of far the best stuff I've ever

Finally, if you could describe how you see the world in one word, what
would it be?

Friday, November 13, 2009


OK...Let's give it a shot shall we??? 5:40 in the morning...Huh??? I hit the sack early last night with my book, glass of milk, and 3 Dad's oatmeal raisin cookies (usually I only allow myself 2, but what the Hades (oh... I'm reading EXILE ON MAIN STREET: A Season In Hell With The Rolling Stones...great read...oh that Keif!). I have been, as per usual, having trouble sleeping, so today being a big, busy day (which seems to be everyday of late), I knew I NEEDED a good nights sleep...NOT...fucking NOT!!! NADA...I gave up at 4:45am! I'm gonna be running around all day with 2 of my partners in art crime, dropping off postcards for the upcoming, mighty TOUCHED BY FIRE event on November the 26th....sooooooo, looks like it's gonna be another Red Bull kinda day.

Now, as a quick introduction to my new blog/mondo-rant-galore page, THE DAMMIT! DIATRIBE, just wanted to lay down some rules and regs for ya....It's about the idea, the theme, the rant, the vent, the love-in...NOT the spelling, grammar, punctuations, etc. I don't give a shit if it's a run on sentence... I couldn't care less if I spelled Masatewshus (you know, where Boston lives) wrong...that's for the editor to do, and mine left me all alone here and moved to Montreal, so she could be closer to the Language Gestapo and "real bagels"! There! That's all the rules either of us need to know...and now that we know the rules, we can go ahead and break 'em. I'm still feeling my way around these parts...soon titles will be bold, maybe in some god-awful colour...look!...It'll get better OKAY!!! You'll notice a lot of exclamation marks...what the fuck do you expect from a guy who spells his name DAMMIT!

So welcome, pour yourself another shot, take another hit, wonder why you're not getting laid this very second instead of reading this thing...and ask yourself one very important question: "Why haven't I bought one of Joey DAMMIT!'s Lou Reed Limited Edition Art T-shirts yet, and Punk's already bought 2??? fact I should buy a few, because this has to be the best fucking X-mas gift
(not counting the Obama Chia Pet planter...I kid ya not, it grows green hair...I saw a commercial on the glass teat the other day) on this sad, dirty, putrid, angry, little planet !!!"

That's it for now...'cus I haven't the foggiest what I'm doing here...and Oh do I upload or download a photo again???'s like sex...right now consider me a virgin...but you know I'll be a fast learner, and in 2 or 3 sessions....ORGASMS GALORE BABY DOLL!!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

This is my INTRO...

Hello World
This is take one. Welcome to PlanetDAMMIT!